
I have published 1 book chapter, more than 50 peer-reviewed journal articles, and more than 30 conference proceedings and presentations on the topics of travel demand modeling, travel behavior, agent-based models, transportation big-data, advanced econometrics, and transportation and health. The most cited studies can be found here on this page. A full list of publications is available upon request.

Mobile device data reveal the dynamics in a positive relationship between human mobility and COVID-19 infections

Published in Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 2020

U.S. county level human mobility were measured from individual level passively collected data and linked to a panel data model for modeling and predicting SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in the U.S.

Recommended citation: Xiong, et. al., (2020). "Mobile device data reveal the dynamics in a positive relationship between human mobility and COVID-19 infections." Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). 117 (44) 27087-27089.

An integrated and personalized traveler information and incentive scheme for energy efficient mobility systems

Published in Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2020

This paper studied an integrated incentivization mechanism that realisticly models subjects` behavioral response to different types of incentives and optimizes the incentive allocation with a control optimizer.

Recommended citation: Xiong et al., (2010). "An integrated and personalized traveler information and incentive scheme for energy efficient mobility systems." Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 113, 57-73.

A high-order hidden Markov model and its applications for dynamic car ownership analysis

Published in Transportation Science, 2018

This paper extends the dynamically formulated hidden Markov models to a high-order hidden Markov model (HO-HMM) formulation. In the HO-HMM, the Markovian assumption that the future states (interpreted as the states of preferences or attitudes) depend only on the current state has been relaxed. Instead, the HO-HMM generalizes that the future states will depend on a number of states occurring beforehand.

Recommended citation: Xiong et. al., (2018). "A high-order hidden Markov model and its applications for dynamic car ownership analysis." Transportation Science. 52 (6), 1365-1375.